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How to Install Plugin on Cacti

Cacti Plugins

Not only providing more and more powerful features, Cacti also compatible with many useful plugins to make its productivity more flexible. Cacti support many plugins like Monitor plugin, Thold plugin, Weathermap plugin and many more. In this post we will show how to install plugins on Cacti and we will install Monitor, Thold, and Weathermap.

Monitor Plugins

Monitor plugin enables Cacti to display all hosts status UP or Down on a single page. For the latest Cacti version support some plugins and some not yet, if we use Cacti old version under 0.xx version there are many plugin that it support. For the latest version Monitor plugin is available in There are two common ways to install plugin on cacti:

Method #1

Go to and Donwload ZIP then copy by ssh or WinScp or other method to the server.

Method #2

yum install git -y

Copy the URL of that project and clone it with git command.

Clone project with git command.

git clone

If we installed cacti with specific version by manually the plugin path is /var/www/html/cacti/plugins/. If we installed Cacti with yum install cacti -y command the plugin path is /usr/share/cacti/plugins. Copy it to the right location and name as monitor.

cp -R plugin_monitor /var/www/html/cacti/plugins/monitor

change ownership to apache user.

chown apache.apache -R /var/www/html/cacti/plugins/monitor/

After we download or clone with git command, copy and name monitor to the correct location, now it is time to install it.

Install Monitor Plugin

Go to Configuration -> Plugins, we see that our plugin is here move the mouse hover the Setting sign under Actions. There is a warning message.

We notice that, Monitor Plugin requires Thold plugins to make it works.

Go to right click on Source code (zip) and Copy Link address.

Download thold plugin with wget command.


Unzip the file with unzip command.


Move to the right path and name it as thold.

mv plugin_thold-1.3.2 /var/www/html/cacti/plugins/thold

Chang ownership of that directory to apache user.

chown apache.apache -R /var/www/html/cacti/plugins/thold

Install thold plugin
Go to Configuration ->  Plugins click on setting sign.

Now, the thold plugin is installed, click on tick sign to enable it.

Now, we can install the Monitor plugin after the thold plugin is installed. Follow the same step of thold plugin.

Click on the tick sign to enable it.

Check Result

We see that Monitor Plugin tab is shown, and we see that below monitor icons about all devices  and devices are up.

Weathermap Plugin

Weathermap plugin allow us to draw network diagram with the graph view of each link. To install weathermap plugin follow the step below.

git clone

Copy to the right directory in Cacti location.

mv plugin_weathermap/ /var/www/html/cacti/plugins/weathermap

Change ownership to apache user.

chown apache.apache -R /var/www/html/cacti/plugins/weathermap

To install Weathermap plugin, we follow the same way as thold and monitor plugin.
Go to Configuration -> Plugins -> 

Click on tick sign to enable it.

Check the Results

We can see that new Weathermap plugin is shown on top of the page.


I hope you all be able to understand this post well. If you have any problem, recommend, suggestion don't hesitate to tell me for the future development.
You may also like:

READ: How to install Cacti on Centos 7 
READ: How to install Cacti specific version on Centos 7 
READ: How to add Windows and Linux host to Cacti
READ: How to create Graph Tree on Cacti

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dear!
    May somene help me for Weathermap plugin error with plugin directory missing!. Let me know if any other way to fix it. Thank you


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