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How to create Graph Tree on Cacti

Cacti not only provides the powerful features like monitor network traffic, CPU, resources utilization, and Cacti also offer Graph Tree feature that allow us to categorize the tree view of the graph based on device role, device type, device location and so on. In this post, we will show about how to create graph tree on it.

Graph Tree 

Cacti comes with the default graph trees, for the real work we need to customize the default based on our requirements.

I have added five devices their names based on the some provinces in Cambodia. We will create new graph tree according to these names.

Create Graph Tree

To create graph tree, go to Management -> Trees -> plus sign + on the top right side.

 Give the friendly name of new graph tree Provinces and choose the Sorting Type. Sorting Type is how the graph tree organized and click on Create.

 Now, we see all the available sites, available Devices, available graphs which we can drag and drop. Click on Edit button to edit this tree.

To make it easy to understand let drag and drop SIEM-REAP device to the graph tree. To publish the new graph tree change Publish option to active, Save and Finish Editing Tree.

Check Result

Go to Graphs tab, we see the new graph tree Provinces is published  and device SIEM-REAP is under it.

Graph Tree Branch

We are done for creating new graph tree. For best practice in the real work, we should categorize our graph tree based on the device roles, device type, location and so on. We will create graph tree branches according to the province names. Go to Management -> Tree and click on Province because we will add new branch on this graph tree.

 Click on Edit Tree button.

Click on Add Root Branch and put the name for the new branch SR, drag and drop device SIEM-REAP under it. Save -> Finish Editing Tree. For the other provinces we can do the same step.

Check Result

Go to Graphs tab again we now see the branches of Provinces graph tree are shown here.


I hope you all be able to understand this post well. If you don't understand any point or  have any problem, recommendation, suggestion don't hesitate to tell us, we will try our best to help. You may also like Related Posted:

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