1. Install Zabbix Agent on Rocky Linux 9
Install zabbix repository.
rpm -Uvh https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/7.0/rocky/9/x86_64/zabbix-release-7.0-5.el9.noarch.rpm
dnf clean all
Install zabbix agent.
dnf install zabbix-agent
Start and Enable Zabbix agent service.
systemctl restart zabbix-agent
systemctl enable zabbix-agent
Change zabbix Agent configuration.
vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
Server=IP of Zabbix Server
ServerActive=IP of Zabbix Server
Hostname=use the FQDN of your host
2. Install Zabbix Agent on Ubuntu 22 and Debian 12
Install zabbix repository on Ubuntu 22.
wget https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/7.0/ubuntu/pool/main/z/zabbix-release/zabbix-release_7.0-2%2Bubuntu22.04_all.deb
dpkg -i zabbix-release_7.0-2+ubuntu24.04_all.deb
apt update
Install zabbix repository on Debian 12.
wget https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/7.0/debian/pool/main/z/zabbix-release/zabbix-release_7.0-2+debian12_all.deb
dpkg -i zabbix-release_7.0-2+debian12_all.deb
apt update
Install zabbix agent.
apt install zabbix-agent
Start and Enable Zabbix agent service.
systemctl restart zabbix-agent
systemctl enable zabbix-agent
Change zabbix Agent configuration.
vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
Server=IP of Zabbix Server
ServerActive=IP of Zabbix Server
Hostname=use the FQDN of your host
3. Install Zabbix Agent on Windows Server
Download zabbix agent archive file.Download
Extract the downloaded zabbix agent archive file. zabbix_agent-7.0.3-windows-amd64-openssl.zip
Rename folder to zabbix_agent and put in C:. Configure zabbix agent configuration in C:\zabbix_agent\conf\zabbix_agentd.conf
Server=IP of Zabbix Server
ServerActive=IP of Zabbix Server
Hostname=use the FQDN of your host
Open command prompt with Administrator and Run command to install zabbix agent.
c:\zabbix_agent\bin\zabbix_agentd.exe --config c:\zabbix_agent\conf\zabbix_agentd.conf --install
Start, Stop zabbix agent service.
c:\zabbix_agent\bin\zabbix_agentd.exe --start
c:\zabbix_agent\bin\zabbix_agentd.exe --stop
4. Configure SNMP on Cisco Router and Switch
snmp-server view ViewDefault iso included
snmp-server group Khmer-EmpireGroup v3 priv read ViewDefault
snmp-server user Khmer-EmpireUser Khmer-EmpireGroup v3 auth sha Nopassword priv aes 128 Nopassword
SNMP Version: SNMPv3
Security name: Khmer-EmpireUser
Security level: authPriv
Authentication protocol: SHA1
Authentication passphrase: Nopassword
Privacy protocol: AES128
Privacy passphrase: Nopassword